How Resumes Showing Years of Employment With the Same Employer Can Hurt You (and How to Fix It)

We often hear that employment gaps in a resume can hurt a candidate, but did you know long term employment at the same employer can also be perceived negatively?Having stable employment is certainly not a bad thing. However, if it is with the same employer and your resume doesn’t show you made progress, it is not an impressive mark for a potential employer viewing your resume.When a candidate has stayed with the same employer for many years, it can be considered in two ways: 1) You are lucky to have found a good employer and enjoy what you do, or, 2) You are afraid to take on new challenges and do not like stepping out of your comfort zone.A potential employer may view your long term stay with an employer negatively for several reasons:

Questions of Ambition and Motivation. If you have been working with the same employer for several years and your resume shows you have the same title as when you started, it can lead an employer to wonder if you have reached the peak of your career. Employers want people who have the ambition and motivation to progress.
Marketable Skills. When you have been with the same employer for a long period of time, your skills may grow stale and an employer may think you only know one way of doing things. Do you have what it takes to be effective and competitive? Are you willing to try things differently and can you learn new skills? How well would you adapt to a new environment, one that may require you to stretch into new and different skills requirements?Here are ways in which your long tenure with an employer can impress potential employers rather than scare them away.

Show Advancement. Whether you received promotions or transferred to work in different departments within the company, make note of these changes and advancements on your resume. Specify the dates you were in certain roles so the potential employer sees that you made advancements in your career.
Detail Your Achievements. Rather than group achievements as a whole with the same employer, break it down on your resume. Under each title and the specific dates you held the position, specify the challenge and accomplishments. This will indicate to a potential employer that you have continued to acquire knowledge, achieve new outcomes, and excel in new capabilities throughout your career with the long term employer and that you have taken on new challenges or projects.
Advanced Training and Education. If you continued to pursue education or took particular courses or training relevant to the job with your employer, make note of it on your resume. This shows a potential employer that you have a desire to continue to improve your abilities and your job skills have not gone outdated. You also have the initiative to acquire new job skills.
Provide a Reason for Leaving Your Long Term Employer. A potential employer always has this question in mind for candidates in these situations. They want to know that you are serious about your decision to move on from your long term employer and that you are not leaving for reasons of a bailout – perhaps your performance has grown stale and you are simply looking for a way out.Never talk negatively about your employer. Simply indicate you have valued the experience and skills gained from you previous position and you are looking for new challenges where you can apply your marketable skills and continue to grow with new experiences.Your loyalty and dedication is an impressive sign for potential employers, but they have to know you have grown over the years, and still have ambition, motivation, up-to-date skills, and good intentions for wanting to leave your long term employer. Doubt in any of the particular areas mentioned above can lead a potential employer to pass on your resume and application, so use these tips to make sure you get noticed.

5 of the Best Health and Fitness Magazines

The maintenance of health and well-being is vital for so many today. We don’t all have the opportunity to hire a personal trainer or nutritionist to provide the necessary heath tips or advice needed. There are several informative magazines that can provide the same health information and guidance you would receive from a professional. The top 5 recommended magazines for health and wellness are outlined below.Prevention Magazine is one of the most informative magazines published for health and wellness. It provides you with healthy solutions an individual can follow realistically. There are articles that reference everything from types of vitamins to take daily to tips for healthy weight loss. Simple and easy to follow healthy recipes are provided in every monthly issue as well. In addition to the great health tips, Prevention magazine also has created a new and informative publication entitled “Advancing Suicide Prevention”. This is a bimonthly magazine that addresses issues that plauge so many today. One of the leading causes in the death of the elderly is suicide due to depression. It is often left untreated and undiagnosed and thus has caused it to be the highest rate for suicide among the elderly. Prevention Magazine has provided many with advice and guidance that they may not have sought out otherwise. The magazine is such a great resource that you can often find it in physician offices available to read while waiting to see a doctor. If you are searching for a complete guideline for health, Prevention Magazine is always a great resource.Shape Magazine is an inexpensive fitness publication that has been around since 1981. It’s focus is the female population and has proven to be a great source for safe and effective work out tips and weight loss advice. Another feature in addition to fitness, is the Beauty and Style section. There are many topics discussed such as essential skincare tips, how to maintain healthy hair, and suncare. Topics that women find vital to everday functionality. Healthy eating is also discussed and foods that “assist” woman with the various changes in life are outlined as well. One example is Soy. Many soy based products are pictured throughout and are discussed as to how they can be beneficial to maintain health and be a source for relief with hormonal changes many woman may experience. Overall, Shape is an informative magazine that woman will find useful or many reasons not just fitness.Men’s Health is a magazine that focuses primarily on men with relation to fitness, relationships, nutrition, weight loss, and overall health. It’s a guide that men find useful without having to visit a gym. There are intriguing articles like ” 6 weeks to a 6-pack” that spark the interest of many. The topic of Sex is often written about as well. You can find articles like “Is she satisfied”, that help men to assess their personal relationships. While these articles may interest some, most can find that the magazine focuses on Health and Wellness. Home gym equipment is often outlined and the types of weights that can be used for certain body types, result types as well as proper technique are discussed. There are also books suggested for reading such as ” Eat this, not that, The Best & Worst Foods in America”. Despite what some may think, this magazine also has a “soft side” Topics such as What we get from giving are published to get men to see the gratification of giving vs. receiving. It also outlines how volunteering improves self-esteem, boosts your health and even makes you more attractive to women. Not bad for $1.49 per issue (on-line subscription)!!Children’s Health Magazine is a derivative from the publishers of Men’s Health Magazine. The main goal of this magazine is to raise awareness of many issues that today’s youth are faced with. Obesity among children in America is an increasing problem. There is a real need for fitness and health advice that help parents to understand the severity and solution to this and many other problems.The first issue of this magazine is due to be on stands September 15, 2009. The first lady, Michelle Obama will grace the cover as an advocate for children’s health. It is vital for America’s children to get started towards a healthier lifestyle and this magazine will allow parents the ability to take better care of their children’s minds and bodies.Women’s Health magazine is the 5th most recommended magazine. Similar to Men’s Health Magazine, it outlines information specific to women. There is a vast array of topics and features. The fitness topics discussed always outline safe ways to work out and provide pictures of positions as a guide. Nutrition is of course another major topic discussed as women are always looking to gain insight on the latest “food raves or diets”. Because this magazine is so informative, it is difficult to pin point each area. You can be assured, however, that everything you need to know about fitness and health will be found in this magazine.